Feedback from readers of my books.

Here's a compilation of reader reviews and comments.

Entries by Michael Abraham (44)


* Lida from Florida about Union, WV

Just had a phone call from my friend in Ohio. Sshe called to talk about the book Union WV. She is a retired school teacher and told me she has never read a book that is so well written. She went on to say that she can't put the book down and has told many of her friends about the book.

* John from Blacksburg about The Spine of the Virginias and Union, WV

I sat at the beach this week reading your two books. The Spine of the Virginias was terrific, and Union, WV had me spellbound. I absolutely could not put it down until I finished. At first I couldn't believe you would have a character Wayne that was the 'anti-Mike'. Then I could see him converting and it was great. You are truly a gifted writer!



* Harald in North Carolina, about Harmonic Highways

I just felt like letting you know how much I enjoyed your book 'Harmonic Highways'. I picked up a signed copy by chance in the Meadows of Dan Poor Farmer's Market.
The book is not a 'motorcycle book' per se, but that didn't bother me in the least. Harmonic Highways got me even closer to an area that has already grown more on me than other places I have visited in the recent years.
The style of interviewing people combined with travel accounts works great as a format for painting a picture of Appalachia, its people, and the musical and cultural heritage.
I wish you all the best for your current and future writing endeavors, and I look forward to reading other books of yours.

* Helen in Galax about Harmonic Highways

(Note, Helen White is the founder of Junior Appalachian Musicians (JAM), a program that brings traditional Appalachian music to young people in the public schools.  There is a section in the book about her and the program.)

(The book) is fabulous!  I really appreciate JAM being included - and the depth of the inclusion.  The book is wonderful - lots of depth in lots of places!


* From Russ in West Virginia about The Spine of the Virginias

Wow!  What a book!  You put the words together very well. I enjoyed all of them.  I particularly liked your introduction to each county -- size, population trends, higher education, stoplights, miles of four-lane highway -- these are the important things that really define an area.  Also liked your interviews of the people of the region.  A good mix of all the people.

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