Feedback from readers of my books.

Here's a compilation of reader reviews and comments.

Entries by Michael Abraham (44)


* From Linda in South Carolina about Harmonic Highways

I have loved the mountains of Virginia since I was a little girl. Growing up in Richmond many a Sunday afternoon was devoted to driving up Afton Mountain and the Skyline Drive. When my brother moved to Roanoke and I attended Virginia Tech I discovered those mountains. This book helped me discover the mountains of far SW Virginia, ones that I have never been to. Reading about your travels, I could envision everything and it really peaked my interest to learn about the people and their music. I hope sometime in the near future to drive The Crooked Road and see these things for myself. Another wonderful book, Michael!


* From Rick in Roanoke about Harmonic Highways

I have finished your book which is wonderful--one of the great reads 
for me in recent years. It brought the musical heritage of SW Virginia
alive for me in a way nothing ever has. It connected many threads
and evoked so many emotions and much nostalgia. It also presents
a tragedy--what capitalism has done to the region and how people
have turned to the traditional music as a spiritual search.


* From Jenny in Bluefield about The Spine of the Virginias

I just had to let you know my 88 year old Dad is so enjoying "The Spine of the Virginias"! He was a route salesman for Betsy Ross Bakeries for 40+ years and knows every nook and cranny all around this area. He and my Mom used to be avid birders also. Every day he tells me about some place you wrote about and how he used to deliver bread there or that they went on a birding trip around "whatever" town. I don't think I will have to read your book since he is reading most of it to me! I want to thank you for writing such an interesting book and for seeing my Dad take such pleasure in it.

* From Teresa in Virginia Beach, about Union, WV

Really enjoyed your book "Union, WV" and will be telling my family and friends about it.  During a rainy day at Willville (motorcycle campground in Meadows of Dan), I started reading it and couldn't put it down.  LIke a good story, it stayed in my mind long after I finished it.  Good luck and thanks!


* From JB in Blacksburg, about Harmonic Highways

(Note, JB is one of my former professors of Mechanical Engineering at Virginia Tech. This is his feedback on the final draft of Harmonic Highways before I sent it to the printer.)

Harmonic Highways is a gem.  You are going to be disappointed in my comments if you were looking for help or suggestions for improvements.  I do a lot of reading and a good bit of proofreading and editing.  Rarely do I read something for any purpose and have no suggestions for changes.  Harmonic Highways is therefore a rare occasion.

You are a master storyteller.  I know several people who write books, including some excellent polished works, but few people have the knack of storytelling the way you do. I see Harmonic Highways as six narratives.  The subjects are the Crooked Road Region’s:

 Music and musicians

 Musical instrument makers


 Landscape and topography – natural beauty                


 Motorcycle riding  -- art and skills

 These are somewhat disparate topics, yet you fit them together in a balanced and natural manner.  I don’t mean equal treatment.  You do more than fit them together.  You weave them together beautifully.

Thank you very much for letting me read Harmonic Highways.  I thoroughly enjoyed it every bit of the way. 



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