Feedback from readers of my books.

Here's a compilation of reader reviews and comments.

Entries by Michael Abraham (44)


* A review by Fran in Riner, Virginia, of "Providence, VA"

Michael Abraham has hit the jackpot with his new novel, Providence, VA. Local readers will find the area references tantalizing and may be tempted to jump in the car to go find Carlene Bartlett’s general store. For those readers from other parts of the country Abraham gives an inside look at the people of this part of Virginia. Is Providence real or fictional? That is only one of the mysteries in this very readable book.

Sammy Reisinger, the story’s main character, is real, believable and likeable. As we follow Sammy through her travails of living ‘off the grid’ the reader learns a lot about Southwest Virginia and Appalachia. There are lessons in economics, midwifery, healing herbs, music, personal interactions, and history. The sub title states, ‘A novel of inner strength found in adversity’ and the novel fulfils the title. There are enough surprises and unexpected events to keep the story moving. Abraham does a good job of creating a cast of characters that could be found in the Riner Food Center on any given day. A good read. We look forward to Abraham’s next novel.


* Striking a chord (pun!)

Please check out this amazing review and reflection on Providence, VA, from musician Erica Sipes: Seeing myself in a work of fiction.



* Jim in Roanoke about my presentation to his Rotary Club

Your presentation at the Rotary Club of Roanoke was, in my opinion, the best program we have had in several years. Your presentation style was both informative and entertaining. You are a master storyteller, a trait which few people have. No visual aids were needed as each person could easily form vivid mental images of the story as you so skillfully relayed it. You used humor quite effectively and wove history and personal experiences in to make the presentation come alive. It “popped”!

I think the fact that many people bought books after your talk is an indication of its effectiveness. I bought three books and have finished Union WV, which I recommend highly. I started Harmonic Highways several nights ago and you bring the story to life, so much so that I plan to go to Floyd this weekend to enjoy the music offered in the restaurants, in the streets, and on the back of parked pick-up trucks. Thank you for making my life better through story and book.


* Jenny in Bluefield, WV about "Providence, VA"

I just finished reading "Providence, VA" by Michael Abraham. A novel set in Southwest Virginia and it was sooooooo good. It starts in Galax at the famous Fiddlers Convention! (I know a few of us have been there!) It is exciting, the characters are so interesting and the story really makes you think about how our lives can drastically change in the blink of an eye and what we do to adapt and move on. I HIGHLY recommend you read this book.  Thank you for your amazing books, Michael Abraham!

* Linda from South Carolina, about "Providence, VA"

I finished the book with tears streaming down my face. I don't think I have ever had a book affect me like that!