* * The Spine of the Virginias is DONE! (sort of!)

After about four years of optimistic head-scratching, followed by two more years of serious research and writing, and then by four months of rewriting and editing, The Spine of the Virginias is finally finished, at least to the point where it is ready for consideration by a publisher. There are invariably some last-minute grammatical corrections yet to be made, but the book is essentially complete. I am pleased to admit this has led to recurring fits of euphoria.
I have employed the services of several wonderful editors in recent months who have done a terrific job in helping me separate the proverbial wheat from the chaff. The document now is as concise and relevant as it can be while still amply illustrating the vast region the book covers, the 300 mile border between Virginia and West Virginia.
One of the reviewers, Kate McCoy of Blacksburg who is in my wife Jane’s book club, wrote to me last evening,
Michael, I am enjoying the book tremendously, and find that now I've really gotten into it I can't wait to get back to it. I look forward to each new person and experience, and find myself wishing I could talk with and visit some of these people and places too! It's a great read - you should be really proud. It is unique in subject matter and approach, and is such a tribute to the people and places and natural history of our part of the world (to which I am extremely partial). Thanks for letting me read it. I'll try to keep pushing along quickly now, as much as my crazy life allows. Kate
I sent the document to a publishing house a few days ago and eagerly look forward to their impressions. It is notoriously difficult for a first time writer to find a publisher willing to take on his or her work. If this publisher is not receptive, I will continue my quest elsewhere.
I am also working with a designer at my former printing company on a design for the cover. He and I are very excited about how this is coming together. Whether a publisher may decide to use this cover or decide to design another from scratch is yet to be determined. But it looks very nice to us. If you are interested in seeing it, please drop me a note at bikemike@nrvunwired.net and I will e-mail it to you.
I am continuing to work on my second book, my novel about the community of Union, West Virginia. As part of the research for that, next Monday I am going to join a falconer as she and her hawk hunt for rabbits and squirrels. Falconry is the sport of kings. I am very excited about the opportunity to see how falcons can be trained to hunt. My father, Bob, who is now 81, is an avid wildlife photographer. He plans to join me and take pictures of the experience. I will post these here on my website as soon as I can.
As always, thank you for your interest in my writing projects.
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